Basil Ullyett Centre
The Church of Christ the King has a new parish centre called the Basil Ullyett Centre. On Sunday, July 24, 2016 it was officially opened by the Most Reverend Dr. John Holder, Bishop of Barbados and Archbishop of the Province of the West Indies during a special dedication and friendship service at the Rock Dundo site.
These modern facilities will help the church to strengthen and further extend its ministry to the wider community. In addition to providing a space for the church’s organisations, the multi-purpose two storey building, can also be used by other entities for fundraisers, meetings, lectures, and other social and educational events.
The thatched roof structure previously designated as the parish centre was destroyed by fire in 2009. Originally opened in 1974 and originally used for the church, it became the parish centre after the congregation, as a labour of love, erected the larger church building.
When in 2014, the incumbent Rev. Luther Johnson and the Parochial Church Council decided to rebuild the parish centre, church members once again accumulated the requisite funds through donations, loans and proceeds from fundraising events. On May 201, 2016, construction began on phase one of three phases of the Christ the King Development Plan. The building was completed in January 2016.
During the Dedication Ceremony, the Church of Christ the King recognised the valuable contribution of the incumbent rectors who served the Parish for the past 42 years.
The Basil Ullyett Centre has a large room which can function as a Library, conference, media, baptismal and funeral briefing for large parties, gathering room for large number of clergy which is accessible from the Priest’s office. The centre is available for hire. Please enquire by email via our Church Office for more details.