Our History

The Church of Christ the King

Our story

The Church of Christ the King is the youngest Church in the Diocese of Barbados.  Its existence dates back to the early 1960s when Canon Basil Ullyett, Rector of St Stephen’s Church saw the need for a Chapel of Ease to serve the elderly of St Stephen’s who lived in the eastern part of the parish.

In 1968 Canon Basil Ullyett initiated the purchase of two acres of land at Rock Dundo, St Michael for the purpose of erecting a Church at a cost of $35,000.   The funds were made available by the United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel and the Canadian Church.

A survey was subsequently carried out in the surrounding districts by the Reverend Donald George, Assistant Priest at St. Mary’s Church and a number of other lay Anglicans. This survey sought to ascertain whether Anglicans in the area thought it necessary to have a Church in their midst.  The majority of those people interviewed were positive about the idea and said they looked forward to a Church being built.

This hope of the people came closer to reality shortly after the arrival of Bishop Drexel Wellington Gomez  who reactivated the idea.

In 1972 the Reverend Stephen Johnson was appointed in charge of the District.  Reverend Johnson spent much of his time doing systematic visiting in the area with the help of some students of Codrington College and some local residents.

On April 29, 1973,  Bishop Gomez turned the sod to start the building . This was followed by an open air Service.  Work on the building with a seating capacity of 150 persons began in 1974

On May 23, 1974 (Ascension Day), in the presence of over 600 persons, the building was dedicated to Christ the King.  The first Service was held  the following Sunday, May 26.  The cost of the construction was $45,000 paid for from funds raised by the Diocese 150th Anniversary Appeal and some other funds from overseas. Funding for the fixtures and furnishings were raised by the congregation and friends through fund-raising efforts.

In 1976, during the incumbency of the Reverend Anthony Jemmott, the first Parochial Church Council was elected and later in the year the Men’s Fellowship, Women’s Fellowship and Youth Group were founded.  The Church Army was founded in 1985.

Soon after establishment it became obvious that the seating capacity was inadequate for the rapidly increasing congregation as the surrounding new housing developments attracted more persons.  This need for additional seating was partially met in 1980 by the construction of the Balcony seating 50 persons.

In July 1982, the Parish was made a full Ecclesiastical Parish with the appointment of its first Rector, the Reverend Peter Fenty.  Owing to the size of the building the Institution Service was held on the Church grounds. History was created on this occasion as it was the first time in the history of the Diocese that an Institution Service was held in the open air.

With the continued rapid growth of the congregation, there was need for more seating and other facilities to carry out the ministry of the Parish.  The Diocese was unable to assist financially with any building project.  After much prayer and with a modest sum in hand the Parish sought to help itself.

On May 7, 1993, the Archdeacon and Bishop-elect,  the Venerable Rufus Brome turned the sod to signal the start of a new Church building with a seating capacity of 500 persons.  Later in the year, on November 22, as Bishop, he laid the cornerstone.

On November 21, 1994, the building was dedicated and consecrated by Bishop Rufus Theophilus Brome.  In his Sermon he commended the Rector, the Reverend Eric Lynch, the Church Council, and the congregation for their leadership, foresight, initiative, and above all their deep and abiding faith in God for undertaking the great task of building the Church.  It is to be noted that the congregation of Christ the King is the first in the Diocese of Barbados to build its own Church.


Summary of Church History

1968                             Two acres of land acquired

1972                             Area was declared a District

29th April 1973            Ground Breaking Ceremony

23rd May 1974             Dedication to Christ the King

1980                              Balcony added

1982                              Full ecclesiastical status

1992                              Decision to build new Church

1993                              Soil turned

1993                              Cornerstone of new church laid

November 1994          New building consecrated and dedicated


2016                Rebuilt Parish Centre completed in February


Priests who have served at The Church of Christ the King:

1974 -1976                   Rev. Stephen Winston Johnson

1976 -1982                   Rev. Anthony Gordon Edwin Jemmott

1982                               Rev. Ian Mc Pherson

1982 -1984                  Rev. Peter DeCourcey Fenty

1984 -1986                 Rev Barclay Lenardo Stoute

1986 – 2000               Rev. Eric Edwin Lynch

2000 -2004                Canon James Levi Springer

2004 – Present        Rev. Robert Luther Johnson

Members & Ministries

of the CTK Parochial Church Council 2019-2021


PCC Secretary Mrs. Marcelyn Belle
Diocesan Synod Rep. Mr. Aidan Rogers
Alternate Synod Rep. Mr. Henry Taylor
Warden   Mr Wayne Hall
Church Warden/ Church Administrator Mrs. Sandra Yearwood-Nelson
Treasurer Mr. Ronald Hewitt
Assistant PCC Secretary Mrs Alyssa Harewood
Warden Emeritus Mr. Clement Deane
Assistant Treasurer Ms. Angolyn Kirton
Mrs. Janet Payne
Mr. Stephen Howell
Mr. Stanley Medford
Mrs. Margaret Sobers
  Mrs. Karen Thompson
  Dr. Jacqui Wiltshire
Parish Secretary Ms. Cathyann Prescod
Sexton Ms. Quenzel Tudor
Organist & Music Director Miss Marilyn Smith


Sundays at 8am
See Calendar for full list of events


Rock Dundo

St. Michael

Barbados, W.I.

Vision and Direction

It is the Rector’s view that the Church of Christ the King can become the prototype “green” church in the Diocese. In this regard I believe that functionality and flexibility should be central to the committees planning. The committee should consult with a landscape architect as well as the traditional architect as it considers the way forward. The cloister concept, that is: covered open areas within gardens (which could considerable reduce the need for the rental of tents) should be explored both in the restoration of the Parish Centre and in planning for congregational overflow and additional meeting space in the church.

The planned Garden of Remembrance should not be forgotten along with an outside stage and performing area and the outside space area needed for the annual Fish Fry. Consideration has been given to building a tree house (similar to a lifeguard station) and a wading pool as part of the play park extension.

There has been much talk in the Diocese of late for the Anglican Church, in its “Stewardship of Family and Creation” programme, to be the leader in the effort to promote better care of our environment, better design of our buildings, better environmental education and better utilization of available outside spaces. In this regard CTK is in a unique position in that we are beginning a restoration programme. We have a unique church building which fits well into the concept of the green church, we have spacious grounds around both the Parish Centre and church to allow for this unique concept.