Hospitality Team
The Hospitality Team prepares after service snacks and juices for our visitors and members of our congregation. This is a time of fellowship, greeting our visitors and getting to know...
Usher’s Guild
The ministry of ushering is a ministry of hospitality. It also promotes Christian fellowship among the members of the Church of Christ the King through prayer, worship, social and recreational...
Men’s Fellowship
The Men’s Fellowship is one of the outreach arms of the church. Its membership is open to men who accept the Christian faith and who wish to share in Christian...
Christian Fellowship & Member Relations
The purpose of the Christian Fellowship & Member Relations ministry is to coordinate all aspects of interaction communication and relations within the Parish family. Some of the work of this...
Event Planners
The Events Planners have taken on the responsibilities once handled by the Fundraising Committee. It was recognized that there was a need for trained persons to harmonize the various fundraising...
Counting Team
The Counting Team is responsible for counting, properly recording and depositing the Open Collection and the Stewardship envelopes for all the services of the church.
Finance, Administration & Church Property
This ministry is responsible for financial planning, administration and the proper care and maintenance of all church property. It will maintain in good condition current plant and equipment and plan...
Prayer Group
The Prayer Group is a small but important part of the ministry of the Church of Christ the King. Called the prayer warriors by the Rector, they became an official...
Readers & Intecessors
The Readers and Intercessors read the appointed lessons and lead the congregational intercessions during worship.
Altar Guild
The duty of the Altar Guild is to prepare the things necessary for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Housekeeping is one of the basic responsibilities of the guild. Along...