
Administration & Church Records

Administration & Church Records

This ministry is responsible for church administration and the proper care and maintenance of all church Records. It will ensure that ALL Church records are available for immediate inspection by...

Women's Ministry

Women’s Ministry

This ministry falls under the overview of the Wellness and Family Committee and seeks to bring women of like mind together in fellowship and Christian purpose.



The purpose of this ministry is to give support and training, particularly to young parents who are new to the challenges of parenting. It also seeks to give support and...

Mentoring Team

Mentoring Team

These persons are persons who are interested in the welfare of our young people and who set aside time to be with them, to communicate with them on a regular...

The Telephone Team

The Telephone Team

At Christ the King we try to use all the means at our disposal to help others experience and share God’s reconciling love. We therefore recognize that the telephone can...

HIV Counseling Team

HIV Counseling Team

Christ the King is blessed with a number of persons who are trained in dealing with and counselling persons affected by HIV/AIDS. This ministry falls under the overview of the...

Marriage Counseling

Marriage Counseling

It is a requirement of the Anglican Church in the Diocese of Barbados that persons who seek to be married in the Anglican Church go through a period of premarital...

Home Communion

Home Communion

The Rector, assisted by the Eucharistic Ministers, administers Communion to the sick in hospital, those in Nursing Homes and those who are house bound, on a scheduled basis of at...